Championing Native and Indigenous Peoples Worldwide

“We are one.”
There are over 570 recognized Native American tribes comprising over 5 million people in North America and Canada. Attempts to eradicate culture and traditions have led to a critical lack of recognition, support, and advancement in nearly all walks of life. This makes the LUNA employee resource group an important way for Nokia and its employees to take action to support Indigenous lives and career goals.
LUNA champions the rights of ”United Native Americans of Nokia”, and focuses on Native and Indigenous employees, business partners and customers. However, our group is open to all employees as our wider commitment is to career advancement, cultural development, education, understanding and the general well-being of employees. We are proud of the fact that our efforts speak to the heart of leveraging diversity as a competitive advantage in our company.
While our group focuses on people indigenous to North America, our group is an excellent example of support for Indigenous and First Peoples globally. Our community honors the concept of Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ - a phrase from the Lakota language, which means All Are Related (or We are one) and reflects the world view of interconnectedness held by the Lakota people of North America.

Driving representation in STEM fields
One of our initiatives is to offer travel grants for students to attend the AISES annual National conference. AISES stands for The American Indian Science and Engineering Society and is a non-profit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers.
The culture and heritage of Native and Indigenous communities is rich. We recognize its significance to future development, prosperity and well-being and we are committed to promoting our LUNA community’s interests as part of the company’s inclusion and diversity activities.
Serving the community
Community service projects are something we hold dear. Our current annual events include:
- Dispersing travel grants for emerging professionals to attend the AISES conference
- Co-sponsoring events, such as the Professional Development Conference, with other employee business partners
- Sending Spring-themed candy bags to reservations in April
- Hosting a blanket and clothing drive
- Celebrating Native and Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month