Speaking up

Speaking up
Violations of our Code of Conduct erode the trust we have built with our shareholders, customers, and other stakeholders. In addition, failure to follow the Code can put our colleagues and our business at risk. All employees are obligated to raise suspected violations of the Code promptly to maintain Nokia’s reputation and address potential problems before they have an adverse financial, reputational or legal impact on the company.
Nokia employees are also expected to report concerns involving third parties if the concern has an impact on Nokia, its employees, or its business. This includes, for example, inappropriate behavior between vendor employees while working on Nokia property. We acknowledge that it takes courage to speak up, especially about sensitive issues or when it involves admitting to a mistake, and applaud employees for raising their hand when something doesn’t seem quite right. It’s in our best interest to speak up, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Check each tab for all our Code policies.
Nokia’s anti-retaliation policy
Nokia is committed to maintaining a culture in which our employees feel comfortable raising concerns about potential violations of the Code of Conduct. Nokia will not tolerate any adverse treatment of an employee who speaks up about a concern in good faith or provides evidence in support of such a concern. Any employee who retaliates or participates in retaliating against another employee for raising a compliance concern will be subject to strict discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
Confidential reporting
Concerns can be raised confidentially via any of the reporting channels described below. Concerns can be raised to the Ethics Helpline anonymously (although a small number of jurisdictions impose certain limitations on anonymous reporting). Should you elect to raise your concern anonymously, you will not be required to provide your name or other identifying information. Nokia respects anonymity and uses the Ethics Helpline case management system to communicate with anonymous reporters. You should, however, provide sufficient details regarding your concern so that Nokia can follow up appropriately. It is not possible to investigate concerns without sufficient detail or the ability to ask further questions to the person reporting it.
Addressing concerns
We take each concern seriously. The Ethics and Compliance team will review your concern for appropriate follow-up and resolution. This may involve assigning an investigator or other subject matter experts to understand the concern as fully as possible. The team will track your concern from initiation to resolution and ensure that it receives careful and thorough attention.
At the end of the investigation, if it is determined that an employee or third party working with Nokia has violated applicable laws, policies, or the Nokia Code of Conduct, corrective action including disciplinary action may be imposed. We will share feedback, while respecting confidentiality, with the person who raised the concern and share lessons learned with the wider business when possible and appropriate.
Corrective action and discipline
An important aspect of our compliance program is taking effective corrective action and, where appropriate, employee disciplinary action. Subject to local law, disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, will depend on several factors, including but not limited to:
- The conduct being intentional or deliberate or involving a law violation;
- The conduct involving dishonesty, theft, fraud, or personal gain;
- The conduct being repetitive or systematic or involving efforts to conceal;
- The employee’s full and complete cooperation (or lack thereof) with the investigation;
- The employee’s seniority within the organization
Employees will be provided with an opportunity to present any additional relevant information that may not have been considered before a disciplinary decision is made.
Ombuds program
Nokia’s speak-up culture and anti-retaliation policy empower employees to openly raise and discuss compliance questions and concerns and to seek guidance. The Ombuds program is a critical element of our compliance program and culture. It is designed to support and strengthen an environment of fairness, equality, respect, and honesty, where everyone is expected to deliver results without compromising integrity.
Nokia has appointed a global network of local Ombuds leaders who are selected and trained to provide neutral and confidential guidance to employees on compliance matters.
Email: ombuds@nokia.com
Channels for speaking up
Ombuds leaders are a supplemental channel for raising compliance concerns, in addition to managers and the Legal and Compliance and People organizations. Concerns can also be raised to the Nokia Ethics Helpline via email, the Ethics Helpline icon on your desktop, or by telephone. You may also write to our CEO or our Board of Directors. All concerns, irrespective of the channels used to report, are handled objectively, confidentially and, if at all possible, thoroughly investigated.
Access Nokia’s Ethics Helpline. Nokia employees can also access it by clicking on the “Ethics Helpline” desktop icon.
Access local calling numbers. Select any one of the available languages to conduct your call in the language in which you are most comfortable.
Send an email to one of these addresses to raise a compliance question or concern.
People you can talk to
Your manager or any manager in Nokia can be approached if you wish to raise a concern or discuss a compliance matter.
Legal and Compliance team:
Legal and Compliance, including Business Group and Regional Compliance Leaders, are available to provide support.
People organization:
The People organization is another channel via which employees can raise concerns.
Ombuds leaders:
Ombuds leaders are neutral and confidential and can assist with compliance questions and concerns.