01 Jul 2021
8 SAT Prime - Digitalization for a 4.0 Mining Network
Transform your mining network for Industry 4.0
Attaining safer, more productive and efficient mining practices
To boost productivity and profitability while attaining safety and eco-sustainability, mining companies need to reimagine their operation paradigms and embrace new digital innovations and technologies.
Fundamental to the new paradigms is a revamped and transformed network infrastructure that connects all operations seamlessly and unfailingly, delivering information when and where needed without compromise.
Join us at this 8SAT Prime virtual session on July 1, 2021 at 9 am GMT-4 to hear from the Mining sector experts how the sector is transforming the mining networks for Industry 4.0.
NOTE: This content will be delivered in Spanish.
Gonzalo Cid
Moderador, Gerente Fundación Tecnológica para la Minería, Sonami
Rodrigo Subiabre
Vicepresidente de Tecnología e Innovación, Anglo American
Bruno Luciano
Nokia Enterprise Director for Southern Cone
Ignacio Hidalgo
Comercial Director for Financing and Mining sectors, Claro Chile
Jorge Viñuela
Technology Manager, Codelco