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14 Nov 2023 – 15 Nov 2023

Container Terminal Automation Conference (CTAC) 2023

Three cargo ships filled with containers.

Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel, 235 E Main Street - Norfolk, VA, United States

Join Nokia at CTAC North America, where you will explore the most common use cases on Nokia One Platform offered as-a-service, comprised of industrial-grade private wireless 4.9G/LTE or 5G that works seamlessly with existing Wi-Fi, on-premises edge, Industrial devices and Industry 4.0 applications.

By digitalizing your site assets and connecting your container handling equipment to your terminal operating system (TOS), you can eliminate cybersecurity concerns and all risk of network interference and achieve the guaranteed SLAs, PROFINET or PROFISAFE protocols for remote control. Nokia experts will be there to answer your questions.


At the conference, interact with the following demos:

  • Industrial digitalization for port terminals: This demo allows you to experience different use cases enabled by private wireless and IoT/analytics that help digitalize port operations for intelligent insights, increased safety and enhanced productivity.
  • Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC): We will demonstrate the Nokia DAC platform on private wireless network to showcase a series of use cases supported at your port terminals.
  • Nokia Industrial 5G devices: these new ruggedized devices natively support 4G and 5G with dedicated PTT and SOS keys optimized for worker safety and harsh and hazardous environments


Be sure to attend Nokia’s keynote and panel discussion:

Keynote: From Outer Space to Port Terminal – The Digitalization Essentials
Date: November 14, 2023 (Tuesday) 
Time: 09:00 - 09:30 EDT 
Speaker: Peter Miller, Director Technical Sales US Majors, Nokia

Panel: Digital Disruption: Revolutionizing North American Container Terminals 
Date: November 15, 2023 (Wednesday) 
Time: 12:00 – 13:00 EDT 
Speaker: Peter Miller, Director Technical Sales US Majors, Nokia

Our solution experts are offering the opportunity to discuss with you your Industry 4.0 maturity through our bespoke assessment tool. We are excited to see you in person and share new solutions that will offer the best connectivity and application platform for your entire organization.