26 Sep 2022 – 29 Sep 2022
Rio Oil and Gas 2022
Boulevard Olímpico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Nokia Booth #Z09 - Armazém 3
With more than 350 confirmed exhibitors, Rio Oil & Gas 2022 will bring together the main players in the sector in 51 thousand sq m along 6 warehouses on Boulevard Olímpico.
The event will feature booths of the largest operators in the sector, as well as several service companies, suppliers, law firms, etc.
It’s expected 40 thousand people during the four days of the event, generating connections, new business and boosting the economy of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Visit Nokia at the booth Z09 - Armazém 3 and find out how digital transformation and automation can deliver significant rewards for companies across the O&G value chain. Come and see our solutions to accelerate the Industry 4.0 journey and help transform your businesses.