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26 Jun 2023 – 28 Jun 2023

Rural Wireless Infrastructure Summit 2023


Grand Summit Resort - Park City, UT, United States

Nokia is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the 2023 Rural Wireless Infrastructure Summit in lovely Park City, UT. 

Join Nokia at the Rural Wireless Infrastructure Summit 2023, where renowned industry experts address topics such as Tower Regulation, 6G in rural America, and CBRS (Citizen Broadband Radio Services).

Meet us at our exhibitor table or join us at the panel discussion and breakout session: 

Panel Discussion: Baby steps, non-standalone core vs standalone core. When can it stand on its own?
Date: Tuesday, June 27
Time: 2:00 p.m. MDT
Location: Plenary Ballroom
Nokia Panelist: Amit Patel, Sales Director, US Major Accounts Nokia
Description: When and why a company should migrate to a standalone core, as well as an overview of new core features, and how to prepare for them.
Breakout Session: The benefits of 5G and CBRS across CPE and radio

Date: Tuesday, June 27
Time: 4:30 p.m. MDT
Location: Painted Horse Meeting Room
Nokia Participant: Amit Patel, Sales Director, US Major Accounts Nokia
Description: How 5G and Citizen Broadband Radio Services (CBRS) are transforming the wireless landscape. Additionally, explore the benefits CBRS provides to consumers and businesses.

Nokia Exhibitor Table: Grand Ballroom Lobby

Visit us at our table to learn more about:

  • Why Nokia is a trusted partner for all broadband network technologies
  • Learn about the latest PON technology Nokia is deploying with its broadband providers across the country
  • How Nokia can help you meet your connectivity commitments and deploy broadband opportunities sustainably

We look forward to seeing you at Rural Wireless Infrastructure Summit 2023!