18 Nov 2020
Smart City Live 2020, Nokia panel – Cities New and Bold Approach to Drive City Wide Innovation
Smart City Live 2020 is a new way to stay in touch despite the restrictions of the current times. It will gather key players and global institutions and will keep our community connected and updated. The second day of Smart City Live 2020 will be dedicated to the Demo Day of Global Call for Solutions, the Ceremony of World Smart City Awards and Digital Side Events.
Cities New and Bold Approach to Drive City Wide Innovation
After years of experimentations and programs, often in silos, many cities are now adopting an innovative approach to their digital transformation. This approach aims at turning their city into one overarching platform, facilitating deployment of a range of new city services, at scale, that can span across different city domains. Through such bold movements, these cities aim at truly moving the needle and delivering outcomes not met before for the city, its citizens, and businesses.
In this session you will.
- Get firsthand testimonials from city decision makers who are adopting this model.
- Learn about their vision and how they are planning such digital transformation.
- Understand what’s needed to change the city digital services delivery model to support this approach.
For more information visit https://www.smartcityexpo.com/