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Bridging the digital divide


We have customers in most countries. The rollout of 5G continued around the world in 2024, as we continued to improve connectivity and coverage in many emerging markets. With our partners and customers, we connect school districts and local communities through best-in-breed broadband communications solutions that are fast and easy to deploy and manage.

Nokia was the first telecom company to announce the manufacturing of fiber-optic broadband network electronics products and optical modules in the U.S. for use in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program. By manufacturing fiber-optic technology in the US, Nokia will be able to supply its products and services to critical projects like BEAD that are focused on narrowing the digital divide.

Nokia’s private wireless solution – Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) – with our FastMile end user home device can help cities, communities and educational institutions access online learning for students. The same solution can enable broadband connectivity and business continuity for city services, such as community centers, hospitals and libraries. It can also help improve choice for public employees as they can work from home when necessary. 

Nokia continues to deploy its Rural Connect solution in the Middle East and Africa to connect the unconnected in remote areas of sub-Saharan Africa and has been used for deployments in Ethiopia, Egypt, Cameroon and Mali. Service providers can use Rural Connect to bring mobile connectivity to remote areas with a cost-optimized radio site solution with high energy efficiency.

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Digital skills building solutions

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Despite the acceleration of digitalization, there remains the risk that SMEs may face challenges in preparing their employees for future digital skills and knowledge. Our knowledge and expertise in digital technologies and potential for collaboration with industry and other ecosystem partners allow us to offer digital skills solutions to support SMEs to benefit fully from digitalization.

Our work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to increase digital inclusion helps connect the unconnected and improves digital skills.



It is important that mandatory education develops digital skills and competence, but it is equally important to ensure life-long learning and skills development to adapt to workplace demand. With our partners, we serve the specific needs of school districts and local communities through best-in-breed broadband communications solutions that are fast and easy to deploy and manage.

Nokia’s Private wireless solution – Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) with FastMile CPE — can help cities, counties and educational entities ensure students’ access to online learning from the comfort and safety of their homes. Nokia also offers its passive optical LAN (POL) solution to connect schools and school districts to high-speed broadband internet that enables students and teachers to collaborate and develop skills in a digital learning environment. For example, in 2023, Nokia with its partners deployed its high-speed optical network solution at 100 schools in South Korea to create a digital-based educational environment.

Case Examples

Fiber network in the heart of the Amazon rainforest

Nokia has deployed with Global Fiber Peru a subaquatic Optical, IP and fiber broadband network in the Amazon rainforest, helping to reduce the digital divide. The extensive network connects over 400 communities to multi-gigabit broadband access that is critical in today’s digital economy.

Buried in the Amazon River, the new subaquatic network interconnects 500,000 users across 400 communities located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, in an area known as the three-border region, where Peru, Colombia and Brazil share borders.

The Nokia subaquatic optical backbone connects the localities of Iquitos and Santa Rosa de Yaraví (Peru), Leticia (Colombia) and Tabatinga (Brazil), allowing Global Fiber Peru to offer the first FTTH (Fiber-to-the-Home) broadband access service in the region, as well as multi-gigabit services for enterprise users.

Digital inclusion solutions

Fixed wireless access (FWA)

FWA is seen as a more affordable and faster option to deploy than using 5G or the fixed broadband network in certain cases. It doesn’t require new spectrum and there is no need to dig new trenches to lay cabling. This means it can bring high speed broadband access and services to remote communities in developed and developing markets sooner and ensure that communities are included in the digital society and economy.

Find out more Fixed Wireless Access