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Today's Technical Journal

From 1922 to 2020, the Bell Labs Technical Journal published peer-reviewed articles from researchers attempting to solve the big challenges in information and communications technology (ICT). Nokia is proud to partner with IEEE to provide access to the full Bell Labs Technical Journal archive.

The journal was first published in 1922 as The Bell System Technical Journal by AT&T's Information Department.

For its first 30 years of publication, the journal was released quarterly. The journal was devoted to the sciences and engineering disciplines needed to provide improvements to the Bell Telephone System. When Bell Labs underwent divestiture in the mid 1980s, the journal was renamed AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal (1984), and then AT&T Technical Journal (1985–1996). Bell Labs breathed new life into the journal yet again by renaming it the Bell Labs Technical Journal (BLTJ) in 1996.

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Seminal works in the Bell Labs Technical Journal

The BLTJ has published many critical works across disciplines throughout its 90-plus-year history:

Information theory

Hartley RVL. 1928. Transmission of information. The Bell System Technical Journal. 7(3): 535-563.
Shannon CE. 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal. 27(3): 379-423.
Shannon CE. 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal. 27(4): 623-656.
Shannon CE. 1949. Communication theory of secrecy systems. The Bell System Technical Journal. 28(4): 656-715.
Kelly JL. 1956. A new interpretation of information rate. The Bell System Technical Journal. 35(4): 917-926.
Wolf JK, Wyner AD, Ziv J. 1980. Source coding for multiple descriptions. The Bell System Technical Journal. 59(8): 1417-1426.
Anick D, Mitra D, Sondhi MM. 1982. Stochastic theory of a data-handling system with multiple sources. The Bell System Technical Journal. 61(8): 1871-1894.



Molina EC. 1936. A laplacian expansion for Hermitian-Laplace functions of high order. The Bell System Technical Journal. 15(3): 355-362.
Rice SO. 1944. Mathematical analysis of random noise. The Bell System Technical Journal. 23(3): 282-332.
Rice SO. 1945. Mathematical analysis of random noise. The Bell System Technical Journal. 24(1): 46-156.
Hamming RW. 1950. Error detecting and error correcting codes. The Bell System Technical Journal. 29(2): 147-160.
Clos Charles. 1953. A study of non-blocking switching networks. The Bell System Technical Journal. 32(2): 406-424.
Prim RC. 1957. Shortest connection networks and some generalizations. The Bell System Technical Journal. 36(6): 1389-1401.
Slepian D, Pollak HO. 1961. Prolate spheroidal wave functions, fourier analysis and uncertainty. The Bell System Technical Journal. 40(1): 43-63.
Lin Shen. 1965. Computer solutions of the traveling salesman problem. The Bell System Technical Journal. 44(10): 2245-2269.
Graham RL. 1966. Bounds for certain multiprocessing anomalies. The Bell System Technical Journal. 45(9): 1563-1581.
Kernighan BW, Lin S. 1970. An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs. The Bell System Technical Journal. 49(2): 291-307.


Data transmission

Fletcher Harvey, Munson WA. 1933. Loudness, its definition, measurement and calculation. The Bell System Technical Journal. 12(4): 377-430.
Dudley Homer. 1940. The carrier nature of speech. The Bell System Technical Journal. 19(4): 495-515.
Shannon CE. 1951. Prediction and entropy of printed English. The Bell System Technical Journal. 30(1): 50-64.
Gilbert EN. 1960. Capacity of a burst-noise channel. The Bell System Technical Journal. 39(5): 1253-1265.


Data storage

Bobeck Andrew H. 1957. A new storage element suitable for large-sized memory arrays — The twistor. The Bell System Technical Journal. 36(6): 1309-1340.



Bardeen J, Brattain WH. 1949. Physical principles involved in transistor action. The Bell System Technical Journal. 28(2): 239-277.
Shockley W. 1949. The theory of p-n junctions in semiconductors and p-n junction transistors. The Bell System Technical Journal. 28(3): 435-489.
Uhlir A. 1956. Electrolytic shaping of germanium and silicon. The Bell System Technical Journal. 35(2): 333-347.
Smits FM. 1958. Measurement of sheet resistivities with the four-point probe. The Bell System Technical Journal. 37(3): 711-718.
Trumbore FA. 1960. Solid solubilities of impurity elements in germanium and silicon. The Bell System Technical Journal. 39(1): 205-233.
Sze SM, Shockley W. 1967. Unit-cube expression for space-charge resistance. The Bell System Technical Journal. 46(5): 837-842.
Nicollian EH, Goetzberger A. 1967. The si-sio, interface — electrical properties as determined by the metal-insulator-silicon conductance technique. The Bell System Technical Journal. 46(6): 1055-1033.
Boyle WS, Smith GE. 1970. Charge coupled semiconductor devices. The Bell System Technical Journal. 49(4): 587-593.



Fox AG, Li TIngye. 1961. Resonant modes in a maser interferometer. The Bell System Technical Journal. 40(2): 453-488.
Marcatili EAJ, Schmeltzer RA. 1964. Hollow metallic and dielectric waveguides for long distance optical transmission and lasers. The Bell System Technical Journal. 43(4): 1783-1809.
Marcatili EAJ. 1969. Dielectric rectangular waveguide and directional coupler for integrated optics. The Bell System Technical Journal. 48(7): 2071-2102.
Kogelnik Herwig. 1969. Coupled wave theory for thick hologram gratings. The Bell System Technical Journal. 48(9): 2909-2947.


Wireless communications

Oswald AA. 1930. Transoceanic telephone service - Short-wave equipment. The Bell System Technical Journal. 9(2): 270-289.
Bennett WR. 1948. Spectra of quantized signals. The Bell System Technical Journal. 27(3): 446-472.
Clarke RH. 1968. A statistical theory of mobile-radio reception. The Bell System Technical Journal. 47(6): 957-1000.
Barnett WT. 1972. Multipath propagation at 4, 6, and 11 GHz. The Bell System Technical Journal. 51(2): 321-361.
Donald VH Mac. 1979. Advanced mobile phone service: The cellular concept. The Bell System Technical Journal. 58(1): 15-41.