Today’s challenge
Whether you distribute multimedia content, handle IoT data, or do business across many locations, onboarding new customers and regulating their access becomes challenging.
Current Know Your Customer (KYC) processes rely on third-party providers that offer weak guarantees to you and, at the same time, may be involved in the privacy-invasive processing of your customers’ data; often gaining a better understanding of your customer’s needs than yourself.
In worse cases, tedious manual identity verification processes may deter users from trying your services or cause your existing customers to churn.
Our solution
Our solution eliminates third-party intermediaries between you and your customers, allowing you to instantly verify your customers' identities, minimize the amount of privacy-sensitive information you need to store, and offer your customers maximal privacy. You declare the identity information you require from your customers, and we handle the rest.
We implement the interaction between your customers and any issuing organizations that provide the required identity information, keeping their communication confidential and minimal. We provide you with a software solution to independently verify the information you receive from your customers, relying solely on the authority of the issuing organizations and not requiring any trust in ourselves.
Analogously, we enable fine-grained access control by allowing businesses to issue custom credentials to their customers. Global user mobility and service availability are enabled by design as we store critical information in the secure hardware of user devices.
Key technology enablers
Verifiable credentials (W3C standard) enable universal credential formats.
Decentralized identifiers (W3C standard) enable global resolution of identities.
Trust over IP enables secure revocations and cryptographic key rotations.
Zero-knowledge proofs minimize the privacy-sensitive information businesses must take care of to reduce the risk of data breaches.
Integration with standard identity wallets to serve a wide range of customers.
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