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0.7-um InP DHBT technology with 400-GHz fT and fMAX and 4.5-V BVCE0 for high speed and high frequency integrated circuits

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We report the performances of a 0.7-µm InP/GaInAs DHBT developed in III-V Lab demonstrating both fT and fMAX of 400 GHz as well as a high fabrication yield and homogeneity on a 3-inch wafer. This technology is used for the fabrication of a very high speed 2:1 multiplexing selector operating up to 212-Gb/s, establishing a speed record. A 5.9-Vpp 112-Gb/s distributed differential Selector-Driver, as well as a 4.3-Vpp 64-GBd 8-Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM) (192 Gb/s) high-speed power digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and an 18-dB peaking gain at 95 GHz continuous time linear equalizer with up to 200 Gb/s data rate equalizing capacity were also realized in this technology.