100G Transport Systems: Technology Bench-Mark Testing in China and Evolution to Terabit/s Interfaces
01 April 2013
To meet the exponentially growing bandwidth demand in optical transport networks, 100-Gb/s (100G) coherent technology based on polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK), which enables the capacity of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system to approach 10 Tb/s, is being widely deployed globally. As the first vendor to introduce a single-carrier 100G solution, Alcatel-Lucent has developed key transponder and network management technologies, which are reviewed in this paper together with their commercial evolution to 400G. Focusing on the Chinese market segment, we also review some key bench-mark testing results with major Chinese operators. Finally, we discuss enabling technologies that are currently being examined in research to allow interfaces to scale to Terabit/s rates.