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160-Gb/s optically time-division multiplexed link with all-optical demultiplexing

01 December 2000

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An ultrafast single-wavelength optically time-division: multiplexed (OTDM) link is described. The link exploits a unique integrated, all-optical serial-to-parallel (S/P) converter based on second-harmonic generation that demultiplexes multiple high-speed optical channels with a single operation, The link is composed of five major components: 1) a high-repetition-rate picosecond-pulse source; 2) a planar waveguide multiplexer that incorporates electroabsorption modulators with integral spot-size converters (SSCs); 3) a dispersion-managed (DM) short-pulse fiber channel; 4) a quasi-phase-matched, resonant-cavity-enhanced AlGaAs waveguide designed for surface-emitted second-harmonic generation (SESHG); and 5) a 775-nm receiver optimized for return-to-zero (RZ) operation. We describe out recent advances with resonant cavity enhancement of the all-optical demultiplexer and-the first bit error rate (BER) measurements for this demultiplexing scheme.