180-Gb/s 2:1 multiplexing selector realized in InP DHBT
01 January 2019
In this Letter, we report on the design, optimisation and electrical measurements of the new multiplexing selector fabricated in 0.7-um InP double-heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) technology. All parts of the circuits were optimized to obtain 200 Gb/s-class of operation. We present the set-up built to measure this circuit, pointing out difficulties, and degradations due to limitation of measurement equipment. We demonstrate operation at 140, 180 Gb/s and 204 Gb/s measurements. The power consumption is 0.5/0.8 W with the differential output amplitude of 250/730 mV. This circuit can be successfully used as modulator-driver in optical transmission experiments up to 204 Gb/s.