2-D Beam-Steerable Integrated Lens Antenna System for 5G E-Band Access and Backhaul
01 July 2016
The new services available through smart devices require very high cellular network capacity. The capacity requirement is expected to increase exponentially with the forthcoming 5G networks. The only available spectrum for truly wideband communication (>1 GHz) is at millimeter wavelengths. The high free space loss can be overcome by using the directive and beam-steerable antennas. This paper describes a design and the measurement results for a lens antenna system for E-band having 2-D beam-steering capability. Continuous beam-switching range of about +/- 4 degrees x +/- 17 degrees is demonstrated with the lens having the maximum measured directivity of 36.7 dB. Link budget calculation for backhaul application using the presented lens antenna system is presented and compared with the measurement results of the implemented demo system.