5G RAN optimizations through radio shared data layer (RSDL)
17 December 2017
This paper presents the challenges that are currently faced during X2/Xn handovers. Messages are exchanged between source and target eNBs over X2/Xn interface during handovers. This mechanism is quite inefficient due to messaging overheads, timers, retries and failures like message validation and resource unavailability. The paper proposes optimizations in the X2/Xn interface, thereby improving the handover success rate and reducing messaging overheads. The paper proposes moving the radio layer data from the individual nodes to a centralized database christened by us as "Radio Shared Data Layer" (RSDL) and demonstrates ensuing benefits. The paper also proposes an open interface from the radio shared data layer to 3rd party applications allowing them to be radio network context aware thus perform better and offer richer experience.