75 GHz InP DHBT Power Amplifier Based on Two-Stacked Transistors
13 November 2017
We present in this paper the design and the implementation of a two stage 75 GHz InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (DHBT) power amplifier (PA). An optimized two-stacked transistor power cell has been designed, which represents the building block in the power stage as well as in the driver stage. Besides the series voltage addition of the stacked structure, parallel power combining techniques were adopted to increase the output power of the MMIC amplifier, with four-way and eight-way corporate power combiners at the driver and power stages, respectively. At 75 GHz, the power amplifier exhibits a small signal gain G = 12.6 dB, a 1 dB compression output power Pout,1dB = 18.6 dBm and a saturated output power Psat > 21.4 dBm.