A 5.75-Vpp 100-Gb/s InP-DHBT-based differential 2:1-selector-driver module for 100-GBd optical communication systems
25 June 2014
A 2:1-selector-driver module with a record differential output amplitude of 5.75 Vpp at 100 Gb/s is reported. It implements a monolithically integrated differential-distributed-amplifier-based driver with a 2:1-selector input stage, realised in a 0.7-µm indium phosphide (InP) double hetero-junction bipolar transistor (DHBT) technology. Broadband input and output transmission lines have been designed and realised on alumina substrate. For compactness and compatibility with existing broadband electro-optical modulator modules, GPPO connectors have been successfully implemented for both 50-Gb/s inputs and 100-Gb/s outputs.