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A 5G mmWave Fiber-Wireless IFoF Analog Mobile Fronthaul Link with up to 24-Gb/s Multiband Wireless Capacity

15 June 2019

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We experimentally demonstrate a multiband intermediate frequency-over-fiber/mmWave (IFoF/mmWave) fiber/wireless mobile fronthaul link for gigabit capacity over the unlicensed V-band (57-64 GHz). Digital synthesis of the multiband radio waveforms is performed at the baseband unit using digital subcarrier multiplexing technique, whereas digital predistortion is exploited to cope with the analog IFoF channel impairments without any further baseband processing at the digital-free remote radio head. Commercial optoelectronic components and analog V-band radio and antenna equipment for 7-km fiber and 5-m wireless transmission are employed to successfully demonstrate both uplink and downlink connectivity. An aggregate capacity up to 24 Gb/s was demonstrated with a 6-band 1 Gbaud 16-QAM on a 7.2-GHz analog bandwidth over the combined fiber/wireless channel showing error vector magnitude (EVM) values below the 3GPP requirements (