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A 60-Foot Diameter Parabolic Antenna for Propagation Studies

01 September 1956

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DESCRIPTION O F T H E A N T E N N A The antenna is a 60-foot diameter paraboloid made up of forty-eight radial sectors, each constructed of sheet aluminum. Each sector is held to the correct doubly-curved surface by reinforcing ribs, and all are fastened to a central hub eight feet long and thirty inches in diameter. During assembly, the axis of the paraboloid was vertical; thus no scaf- * This work was supported in part by Contract AF 18(600)-572 with the U.S. Air Force, Air Research and Development Command. ' Proc. I.R.E., October, 1955, contains many papers by workers in this field. 1199 1200 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER, 1956 Fig. 1 -- Fastening the radial sectors to the hub.