A combinatorial technique for constructing high-rate MTR-RLL codes
01 April 2001
We present advanced combinatorial techniques for constructing maximum runlength-limited (RLL) block codes and maximum transition run (MTR) codes. These codes find widespread application in recording systems. The proposed techniques are used to construct a high-rate multipurpose modulation code for recording systems. The code, a rate 16/17, (0, 3, 2, 2) MTR code, that also fulfills (0, 15, 9, 9) RLL constraints is a high-rate distance-enhancing code with additional constraints for improving timing and gain control. The encoder and decoder have a particularly efficient architecture and allow an instantaneous translation of 16-bit source words into 17-bit codewords and vice versa. The code has been implemented in Lucent read-channel chips and has excellent performance.