A dipole field fusion reactor.
01 January 1987
A new magnetic fusion reactor based on a dipole magnetic trap is presented. The plasma source is placed at the outer edge of the dipole field and the plasma is pumped into the central region by a RF field with omega ~ omega sub d (= toroidal drift frequency) which destroys the third adiabatic invariant (flux conservation). The plasma diffuses inward so long as the density profile is more gradual than r sup (-4). As the plasma diffuses in, the micron-conservation (the first adiabatic invariant) produces an increase of plasma perpendicular temperature in proportion to the magnetic field B(~r sup (-3)). The inward diffusion continues until the density profile achieves the diffusive equilibrium profile of n~r sup (-4) and the pressure p~r sup (-20/3) which is marginally stable with respect to the interchange.