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A flow level perspective on base station power allocation in green networks

10 December 2012

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In this work, we propose a novel power allocation mechanism which allows one to optimize the energy-efficiency of base stations operating in the downlink. The energy-efficiency refers to the amount of bits that can be transmitted by the base station per unit of energy consumed. This work studies the impact of flow-level dynamics on the energy efficiency of base stations, by considering user arrivals and departures. Our proposed power allocation scheme optimizes the energy-efficiency, accounting for the dynamic nature of users (referred to as the global energy-efficiency). We emphasize our numerical results that study the influence of the radio conditions, transmit power and the user traffic on the energy-efficiency in an LTE compliant framework. Finally, we show that the power allocation scheme that considers traffic dynamics, is significantly different from the power allocation scheme when the number of users is considered as constant, and that it has a better performance.