A Game Theoretic Channel Allocation Scheme for Multi-User OFDMA Relay System
28 March 2011
A game theoretic resource allocation approach is proposed in this paper to distribute the channels in multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) relay system. The goal is to maximize the system throughput while considering the fairness of the users. The basic idea is to consider backhaul link and access link together as a bundle. Nash bargaining solution (NBS) is used to distribute subchannels among these bundles. The multi-bundle bargaining algorithm is derived based on the two-bundle bargaining algorithm by grouping the bundles into coalitions. Within each bundle, the backhaul link and access link compete for the resources via the two-band partition algorithm to achieve a maximum data rate with the available resource. Simulation results show that the NBS based resource allocation scheme achieves higher user throughput but comparable user fairness compared with two-hop proportional fairness scheduler and round robin scheduler.