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A Heterodyne Scanning System for Hologram Transmission

01 September 1969

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The transmission of holograms over electrical channels is of interest not only because of the three-dimensional images obtainable with such a system but also because of the possible advantages of the holographic process as a coding technique for subjectively more errorresistant transmission of two-dimensional material. Indeed, the transmission of thin holograms over conventional television systems presents no conceptual difficulties and has already been demonstrated with low resolution holograms. 1 However, the necessity of resolving the holographic carrier fringes, as well as other unnecessary spatial frequency components, results in the waste of % of the resolution capability of the camera. Although recently devised techniques can avoid this waste, the use of these techniques in useful holographic transmission systems is still limited by the resolution of camera tubes. 2 This paper describes the experimental realization of a scanning reference beam technique for hologram transmission recently published by Enloe, Jakes, and Rubinstein. 3 This technique not only eliminates t This paper was presented at a meeting of the Optical Society of America, Pittsburgh, October 9-12, 1968. 2507