A large area CCD Imaging System.
24 November 1987
CCD image sensors are the detectors of choice in astronomy for reasons of quantum efficiency, linearity, dynamic range, spectral response, precise image registration, and suitability for digital image processing. Due to their small size, current CCDs cover approximately 1-4% of typical telescope focal-plane images, and are thus not individually suitable for statistical astronomy. This document describes a wide-field CCD camera suitable for statistical astronomy through the use of an array of CCD sensors. A mosaic of four Tektronix 2048x2048 pixel CCDs will be used in an array of 4096x4096 pixels over an area of approximately 110x110 mm. Multiple dis-registered exposures of a given field will be digitally filtered, corrected, and merged to create a complete image (approximately 4500x4500 pixels) without defects or inter-CCD blind spots. A fast special- purpose image processor will perform this operation in real time. Special attention will be given to providing this processor with the capability for full image analysis, since the large volumes of data generated by the CCD array would quickly overwhelm ordinary computing facilities. Such a system can greatly improve the scientific capabilities and productivity of existing ground- based telescopes at a modest cost.