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A Medium Power Traveling-Wave Tube for 6,000-Mc Radio Relay

01 November 1956

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Page 1285 1288 1291 1291 1295 1302 1311 1314 1314 1315 1325 1333 1336 1342 1343 During the past ten years traveling-wave tubes have received considerable attention in vacuum tube laboratories, both in this country and abroad. So far their use in operating systems has been somewhat limited, the most notable exceptions being in radio relay service in France, Great Britain, and Japan. However, it appears that sufficient progress in both tube and system design has been made so that traveling-wave tubes may see widespread application in the near future. This paper describes an experimental helix type traveling-wave tube representative of a class which may see extensive use as a power amplifier in radio relay systems. The tube is designated as the Bell Laboratories type MI789. Stated briefly, the performance characteristics under nominal operating conditions are: 1285 1286 T H E B E L L SYSTEM T E C H N I C A L J O U R N A L , NOVEMBER 1956 Frequency Range 5,925-6,425 mc Power Output 5 watts Gain at 5 watts output 31-35 db Noise Figure