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A novel substrate for nickel-cadmium batteries.

01 January 1988

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As more electronic components are miniaturized, more portable equipment is produced. If the current pace of miniaturization continues, it is likely that the size of portable systems will shrink to the point where the battery would be a major component in terms of size and weight. A well-engineered battery could provide a marketing advantage from which a higher market share for the system could be achieved. Although the nickel-cadmium battery is accepted as the rechargeable system for applications where size and weight are crucial, its electrode substrate accounts for about 40% of the battery weight. A new fibrous nickel substrate, Fibrex(TM), has become available that offers a potential of 50% reduction in the weight of the electrode substrate and a corresponding 20% gain in energy density. Thus it is desirable to determine whether this substrate is a good material for the Ni/Cd battery.