A nu=2/5 Paired Wavefunction
01 January 2007
We construct a wavefunction, generalizing the well known Moore- Read Pfaffian, that describes spinless electrons at filling fraction nu = 2/5 (or bosons at filling fraction nu = 2/3) as the ground state of a very simple three body potential. We find, analogous to the Pfaffian, that when quasiholes are added there is a ground state degeneracy which can be identified as zero-modes of the quasiholes. The zero-modes are identified as having semionic statistics. We write this wavefunction as a correlator of the Virasoro minimal model conformal field theory M(5, 3). Since this model is non-unitary, we conclude that this wavefunction is a quantum critical state. Nonetheless, we find that the overlaps of this wavefunction with exact diagonalizations in the lowest and first excited Landau level are very high, suggesting that this wavefunction may have experimental relevance for some transition that may occur in that regime.