A Programmable 0.7—2.7 GHz Direct $Delta Sigma$ Receiver in 40 nm CMOS
01 March 2015
This paper presents a wideband direct Î"Σ receiver for the 0.7-2.7 GHz frequency range. The architecture embeds a wideband direct-conversion RF front-end into a continuous-time feedback Î"Σ modulator, which initiates the analog-to-digital conversion of the selected channel already at the RF nodes. A feedback-type architecture enables simultaneous filtering of nearby interfering signals. The inductorless 40 nm CMOS receiver supports programmable Î"Σ modulator coefficients and RF channel bandwidths up to 20 MHz. The receiver consumes 90 mW from a 1.1 V supply, and it provides a peak SNDR of 46 dB, NF of 5.9-8.8 dB, and an IIP3 of -2 dBm.