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A proposed format for encoding digital information within analog video signals.

01 January 1986

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A digital encoding format based on the CD (Compact Disc) format is proposed for storing digital information (both audio and data) within analog video signals. Though the particular application that motivated the need for the proposed format was digital information storage on optical video discs, the proposed format is applicable to analog video signals in general. Because analog video can be distorted or corrupted by various noise sources (additive channel noise, pressing errors on video discs, poor equalization of the signal), error correction and control is needed. The CD format, encoded in my proposed multi-level NRZ analog video levels, offers a well-documented, standardized, and universally available format with extensive error correction and control for both digital audio and digital data (CD ROM). The implementation of a CD format decoder currently uses 3 VLSI chips with a new consolidated single VLSI chip now available. Extensive tests and evaluation are currently being done on hardware built around and based on the CD decoder chips.