A Proposed High-Frequency, Negative-Resistance Diode
01 March 1958
This paper describes and analyzes a proposed semiconductor diode designed to operate as an oscillator when mounted in a suitable microwave cavity. The frequency would be in the range extending from 1 to 50 kmc. The negative Q may be as low as 10 and the efficiency as high as 30 per cent. The diode is biased, in reverse so as to establish a depletion, or spacecharge, layer of fixed width in a relatively high resistance region, boundedby very low resistance end regions. The electric field has a maximum at one edge of the space-charge region, where hole-electron pairs are generated by internal secondary emission, or avalanche. The holes (or electrons) travelacross the space-charge layer with constant velocity, thus producing a current through the diode. Because of the build-up time of the avalanche, and the transit time of the holes across the depletion layer, the alternating current is delayed by approximately one-half cycle relative to the ac voltage. Thus, power is delivered to the ac signal. When the diode is mounted in an inductive microwave cavity tuned to the capacity of the diode, an oscillation will build up. It appears possible to obtain over 20 watts of ac power in continuous operation at 5 kmc.