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A Reduced Complexity Time-Domain Transmitter for UF-OFDM

01 January 2016

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Upcoming fifth generation (5G) cellular networks will demand more from the physical layer (PHY) than current generation Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) can deliver. The 5G waveform candidate Universal Filtered OFDM (UF-OFDM) is designed to provide the flexibility required for future applications. However, the introduction of subband filters in UFMC can increase implementation complexity and low-complexity solutions need to be found. State-of-the-art technologies provide an algorithm that performs shorter-length FFTs that can reduce complexity to two to ten times that of OFDM (depending on the allocation sizes), at the cost of only approximating the exact UFMC signal. In this paper we propose a new approximation of the UFMC signal which bases on the similarity of adjacent subcarriers that can be implemented with reduced number of operations. Analysis show that the system can be implemented with only 20% more operations than standard OFDM when accepting some increase in the subband bandwidth. A more accurate solution can be implemented at roughly 3.6 times OFDM complexity. The results can reduce implementation costs for future mobile devices.