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A reservation based charging management for on-the-move EV under mobility uncertainty

01 January 2015

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With the continually increased attention on Electric Vehicles (EVs) due to environment impact, public Charging Stations (CSs) for EVs will become common. However, due to the limited electricity of battery, the driver may experience discomfort for long charging waiting time, if travelling towards a CS which is heavily loaded for charging. With this concern, we manage on-the-move EV charging by coordinating which CS to select for charging, and propose a CS-selection scheme considering EVs anticipated charging reservations generally including arrival time and expected charging time, in particular the parking duration is further considered in this paper. Upon this, by addressing mobility uncertainty that EVs may not reach their selected CSs on time due to uncertain traffic condition on the road, a periodical reservation updating for requesting the change of CS-selection decision is proposed to further coordinate charging management. The motivation for this is mainly due to that the mobility uncertainty affects the accuracy of reported reservation information, concerning the arrival time at selected CSs and expected charging time upon arrival. Evaluation results show the effectiveness of our proposal when considering realistic EV and CS characteristics.