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A semantics to define Web templates for adaptive ubicomp applications

20 November 2012

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[This paper has been submitted to WWW2012 and is linked to the following entry:…)] The ever growing pervasiveness of Web technologies in the application landscape together with the advent of affordable network-capable every day objects has paved the way for the Web of Things, i.e. using Web inspired approach and technologies to realize ubiquitous computing environments. In this paper, we present an instantiated vision where users roam across connected environment, using a mobile browser to discover and interact with smart space resources, and to lately instantiate application templates over a set of such available resources to fulfill their needs. In our approach, physical objects are presented as Web resources called Virtual Objects - both to users, through a digital representation, and to other software components, through a semantic description and a set of RESTful application programming interfaces (APIs). In particular, we present here how this semantic description framework for smart resources together with semantically annotated Web application profiles can be used to propose to the user the best candidate resources for a given situation. We present first experimentation results on the performance of the chosen approach, before discussing further directions.