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A Software Support Environment for Administrations and its Relation to Emerging CCITT Recommendations

22 October 1987

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CCITT Study Group X/2 addresses software support environments and quality/reliability issues for telecommunications systems. This paper highlights activities and directions of the CCITT Study Group X/2. The direction set in public telephony digital switching systems and the methods used in their associated development and operational support environments is described in the context of the emerging CCITT recommendations. The background of the CCITT Study Group X/2 questions is explored and the perceived needs of both Administrations and manufacturers with respect to software support issues are summarized. Advantages and disadvantages of software environment standardization activities from both Administrations and manufacturers viewpoints are discussed. A brief summary of the direction and current work accomplishments of Study Group X/2 is given. A software maintenance and update environment for modern public telephony digital switching systems is presented and related to the activities of the CCITT. Support options available for switching products and their implementations are discussed. The software support service options chosen by several administrations in the international market are highlighted.