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A State Variable Method of Circuit Analysis Based on a Nodal Approach

01 November 1968

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State variable techniques presently being used to analyze networks require a detailed knowledge of graph theory. 1-7 Another method of state variable analysis that is based partly on a nodal approach and does not require a detailed knowledge of graph theory is very restrictive.8 The method presented here performs a nodal analysis on a transformation of the network in which all magnetic storage elements have been replaced by gyrator-capacitor equivalents, and nothing more than a basic knowledge of graph theory nomenclature is required. The RCLMST* network can be transformed to an equivalent * Resistor, capacitor, inductor, mutual inductor, source and ideal transformer 1957 1968 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1!)(>8 L.-M L 2 -M M| |M (T)L.