A Two-Gyro, Gravity-Gradient Satellite Attitude Control System
01 November 1964
I I . S Y S T E M D E S C R I P T I O N AND SUMMARY' O F R E S U L T S Page 270fi 2710 2.1 Gravity-Gradient Altitude Control System 2.2 System Description 2.2.1 Weight and Power Requirements 2.3 Small-Angle Performance 2.3.1 The Minimum Settling Time 2.3.2 The Spindle 2705 2710 2711 2712 2713 2716 2717 270(5 T H E BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1964 Page 2721 2724 2725 2725 2726 2726 2727 2727 2729 2732 2733 2737 2.3.3 Transient Response for a Spindle Micrometeorite Impact 2.3.4 Steady-State Response Magnetic Torque. Satellite Inertia Level Solar Radiation Pressure Bending Due to Solar Heating 2A Large-A ngle Motion 2.4.1 Satellite Despin 2.4.2 Equilibrium Positions 2.4.3 Satellite Inversion 2.4.4 Computer Runs for Large-Angle Motions I I I . SMALL-ANGLE MOTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Satellite Configuration Roll-Vee System Equations for Small Motion Transient Response Steady-State Response Bounds on the Asymptotic Damping Rate D Determination of D by Series Expansions Computation of the Over-All Small-Angle Response