Abstracts of Bell System Papers Appearing in Other Publications
01 April 1976
The Synthesis and Characterization of Some Oxide Fluorides of Rhenium and Osmium. W. A. Sunder and F. A. Stevie, J. Fluorine Chem., 6 (November 1975), . 449. Existing synthetic methods for oxide fluorides of rhenium and osmium ave been reviewed. New syntheses, using static heating, have been developed for 0S0 3 F 2 , 0S0 2 F 3 , OSOF5, OSOF4, R e 0 3 F , ReO>F 3 , ReOFs, and ReOF 4 . The products were characterized principally by mass spectroscopy, with supporting information for X-ray powder diffraction, chemical analysis, and molecular beam deflection. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Using Discretionary Telecommunications. D. Gillette, I E E E Trans. Commun., COM-23 (October 1975), pp. 1054-1058. Continuing technical effort can help reduce the cost, of telecommunications and add opportunities for their use. However, the biggest task in applicat ion is organizing institutions and procedures to use existing telecommunications systems and information technologies effectively. 499 MATERIALS SCIENCE Lead Alloys for High Temperature Soldering of Magnet Wire. W. G. Bader, Welding Journal, 54 (October 1975), Research Supplement, pp. 370-s to 375-s. Lead-tin solders were evaluated for use in high-temperature soldering of fine gauge, polyurethane-insulated, copper-magnetic wire. The dissolution rates of copper by molten solders were determined at temperatures to 900°F and the reduction of these rates by copper additions to the solder. Also, wetting of copper by the solders and solder joint appearance were evaluated.