Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal (01 January 1928)
01 January 1928
Jl. Am. Inst. El. Evgrs., Vol. 46, p. 994, October, 1927. 154 Opt. Soc. Amer. Jl., Vol. 15, p. 96, August, 1927. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 155 Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide.3 The Adsorption of Gases by Solids with Special Reference to the This paper presents a theory of adsorption and its mathematical development, which is similar to but differs somewhat from that of Polanyi. A detailed description is included of a relatively convenient method of application of the theory to experimental data. Using this procedure, a test of the theory has been made on the data obtained by Homfray, Titoff, Richardson, Chappuis and S. O. Morgan for the adsorption of carbon dioxide by charcoal.
The very satisfactory agreement obtained between experiment and theory gives support to the fundamental assumptions underlying the theory. The Densities of Coexisting Liquid and Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and the Solubility of Water in Liquid Carbon Dioxide.4 H. H. LOWRY and W. R. ERICKSON. The densities of coexistent liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide are measured over the temperature range -- 5.8 to 22.9° and it is shown that they can be satisfactorily represented by equations involving the first and one third powers of the temperature on the critical scale.
The data are shown to be in substantial agreement with those of other observers. It is also shown that the density of saturated carbon dioxide vapor is the same within the experimental error in the presence or absence of water, from which it is concluded that the solubility of water in liquid carbon dioxide is less than about 0.005 per cent by weight over the temperature range of the investigation.