Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal (01 October 1927)
01 October 1927
The two expressions are indistinguishable in the range of the measurements. Light Waves in Metals THORNTON C. FRY. When a wave of plane polarized light falls obliquely upon a conducting surface, it gives rise to a disturbance inside the conductor which has, among others, the following peculiarities: (a) It is neither plane nor elliptically polarized, but belongs to a third distinct category; (b) It does not travel with what is customarily called " the speed of light " ; (c) Its velocity varies with the angle of incidence.
There are similar light waves in dielectrics and in free space. Transatlantic Telephony.3 F. B. JEWETT. This paper discusses in rather popular terms some of the outstanding problems which 1 Phys. Rev., Vol. 29, p. 614, April, 1927. 2 Opt. Soc. Amer. Jl., Vol. 14, p. 473, June, 1927. 3 Scientific Monthly, August, 1927. 750 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 751 were met and solved in the course of the development of commercial transatlantic telephony. The discussion covers the use of single side band transmission, directive receiving antenna and voice-operated relays which permit of two-way operation upon a single wave-length. The possibilities brought to light by the extended study of receiving conditions are also described.