Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in This Journal (01 March 1952)
01 March 1952
ANDERSON 1 . Phys. Rev., 83, p. 1260, S e p t . 15, 1951. Post-War Achievements of Bell Laboratories, I. Tel. Mag., 30, p p . 163 - 173 , Autumn , 1951. Filamentary O. E. BUCKLEY1. Bell Growths on Metal Surfaces--"Whiskers". K . G . COMPTON 1 , A . MENDIZZA , and S . M . ARNOLD 1 . Corrosion, 7 , pp . 327 - 334 , Oct . , 1951. (Monograph 1885). Filamentary growths have been found on metal surfaces of some of the parts used in telephone communications equipment, particularly on parts shielded from free circulation of air. The growths are of the same character as those known as "whiskers," which developed between the leaves of cadmium plated variable air condensers and caused considerable trouble in military equipment during the early part of World War II.
An investigation has been under way in an attempt to determine the mechanism of growth of the whiskers, found not only on cadmium plated parts but also on other metals. This paper summarizes the findings to date as revealed by the study of approximately one thousand test specimens of different metals, solid and plated, exposed under various environmental conditions.
The study is being extended in the light of the findings which have developed during the course of the work. 1 An Unattended Broad-Band Microwave Repeater for the TD-2 Radio Relay System. U. W . FRIIS1 and K D . SMITH 1 . Elec. Eng., 70, p p . 976 981, Nov . , 1951. (Similar article in The Bell System Technical Journal, * Certain of these papers are available as Bell System Monographs and may be obtained on request to the Puhlacation Department, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 463 West Street, New York 1-1, N.