Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in This Journal (01 May 1953)
01 May 1953
Concept of Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Ferromagnetic Materials, Letter to the Editor, Phys. Rev., 88, pp. 1214, Dec. 1, 1952. BALASHEK, BAND, W . , BEACH, A . S., see K. see R . A. H. Davis. Nelson. Lander. L., see J. J. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES Transistor Teachers Summer School. Experimental Verification of the Relationship Between Diffusion Constant and Mobility of Electrons and Holes, Phys. Rev., 88, pp. 13681369, Dec. 15, 1952.
The relationship between diffusion constant and mobility, called the Einstein relationship has been experimentally verified for electrons and holes in germanium. This has been accomplished by measuring the rate of increase in half concentration width of a pulse of minority carriers moving in an electric field.