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Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals (01 April 1977)

01 April 1977

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Polycrystalline Thin Film InP/CdS Solar Cells. K. J. Bachmann, J. L. Shay, S. Wagner, and E. Buehler, Appl. Phys. Lett., 29, No. 2 (July 15,1976), pp. 121-123. Polycrystalline films of p-type InP were prepared via chemical vapor deposition on glass, molybdenum, and carbon substrates. Cd or Zn were used as dopants yielding net acceptor concentrations Na ~ Nn ^ 2 X 1018 cm - 3. 

Polycrystalline InP/CdS solar cells fabricated by evaporating CdS onto such InP films on carbon have a solar power conversion efficiency of 3 percent. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Spin Flip Raman Laser at Wavelengths Up to 16.8 ^m. C. K. N. Patel, T. Y. Chang, and V. T. Nguyen, Appl. Phys. Lett., 28, No. 10 (May 15,1976), pp. 603-605. An InSb spin flip raman (SFR) laser is pumped with an optically pumped NH3 laser line at 780.515 -1 cm to obtain tunable first Stokes laser radiation at wavelengths up to 16.8 ^m. 

We report results on the power output, tunability, and preliminary spectroscopy of UF6MATERIALS SCIENCE Low-Field Depoling Characteristics of Pb(Zr,Ti)03 Ceramics. J. B. Koeneman, 59, No. 9-10 (September-October 1976), pp. 59-61. Low-electric-field depoling measurements were made on Pb(Zr,Ti)03 ceramics. The apparent activation energy for the depoling process was calculated to be 33 kcal/mol. The data indicate that the materials tested should be very stable when subjected to depoling fields on the order of one-fourth of the coercive field. Oxidation Induced Stacking Faults in n- and p-Type (100) Silicon.