Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals (01 December 1976)
01 December 1976
circuits are useful for failure analysis and process evaluation. We have successfullyprepared thin sections of finished devices cut perpendicular to the plane of the chip and examined them using transmission electron microscopy. We describe the sectioning procedure and show some cross-sectional views from memory cells of a CMOS RAM with poly-Si gates and tungsten second metal. Planar Isolated GaAs Devices Produced by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. W. C. Ballamy and A. Y. Cho, I E E E Trans. Electron. Dev., ED-23 (1976), pp. 481-484.
This paper reports tne fabrication of low parasitic capacitance planar beam leaded mixer diodes. The material for low parasitic structure is produced by the simultaneous deposition of single crystal and polycrystalline gallium arsenide utilizing the molecular beam epitaxial process. Diodes measured in a double-balanced downconverter circuit showed a conversion loss of 5.3 dB at 51.5 GHz and 8.5 dB at 103 GHz. These devices exceed the performance of structurally identical devices fabricated on conventional n on n + material by about 2 dB. GENERAL MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Estimating Item and Order Information. G. Sperling and M. J. Melchner, J. Math. Psychol. 13, No. 2 (April 1976), pp. 192-213.
In a common psychological procedure, a subject is presented a sequence of items and asked to recall them in order. His response is scored for items reported correctly in their correct positions (position score) and for items reported correctly independently of their position (item score).