Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals (01 January 1977)
01 January 1977
MATERIALS SCIENCE Effect of Hydrogen on Amorphous Silicon. J. J. Hauser, Solid State Commun., 19 (1976), pp. 1049-1051. Amorphous Si films prepared by dc sputtering in hydrogen-- argon mixtures possess a high resistivity 1010 fl-cm) similar to that of films prepared by the glow discharge decomposition of silane. PHYSICS Distribution Coefficient of P for Growth of Gai- x Al x Asi_yP v by LPE Determined Using Auger Spectroscopy. C. C. Chang, M. B. Panish, W. R. Wagner, D. L. Rode, S. Sumski and R. G. Sobers, J. Appl. Phys., 47 (1976), pp. 3752-3753.
Auger spectroscopy was combined with ion milling for quantitative chemical analysis and depth profiling to measure the effective distribution coefficient of phosphorus, k p , during growth of Gai-*Al x Asi- v Py by liquid phase epitaxy. Below y = 0.02 (with x = 0.36), and with cooling rate of 0.1°C/niin for growth, k,, was 290 at growth temperature of 790°C and constant down to at least y = 0.002. This nigh value of kp caused depletion of P from the growth solution. Implications of Radiative Equilibrium in Neoclassical Theory. F. R. Nash and J. P. Gordon, Phys. Rev. A, Gen. Phys., 12, No. 6 (December 1975), pp. 2472-2486.
It is found tbat the description of spontaneous emission provided by the neoclassical extension of semiclassical electrodynamics, which has been given by Jaynes and his collaborators, is inconsistent with the well-secured laws of Boltzmann and Planck for conditions of thermal equilibrium. Nd:YAG Single-Crystal Fiber Laser: Room-Temperature CW Operation Using a Single LED as an End Pump.