Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals (01 July 1976)
01 July 1976
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Aberrations and Tolerances in a Double-Deflection Electron Beam Scanning System. M. G. R. Thomson, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 12 (November-December 1975), pp. 11561159. A magnetic double-deflection system intended for use in an electron-beam lithography instrument has been theoretically analyzed. The first-order chromatic and third-order geometric aberrations are calculated so that the maximum field size can be found. The misalignment tolerance is estimated for different levels of required performance.
An Annotated Bibliography of Microwave Circulators and Isolators 1968-1975. R. H. Knerr, I E E E Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., MTT-23 (October 1975), pp. 818-825. A bibliography of microwave circulators and isolators from 1968 to 1975 is presented (151 references). Some topics, which the author considered the most significant, include the eigenvalue approach to 3-port Y-junction circulator design, the peripheral mode isolator, electronic isolators, and wideband U H F circulators. The bibliography is subdivided into waveguide circulators, stripline circulators, lumped element circulators, other types of circulators, general papers applicable to all circulators, isolators, and books.
Deep Level Spectroscopy, Low Temperature Defect Motion and Nonradiative Recombination in GaAs and GaP. C. H. Henry, J. Electron. Mater., 4 (October 1975), pp. 1037-1052). Recent development in junction capacitance measurements allow deep levels in semiconductors to be conveniently studied for the first time.