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Abstracts of Papers by Bell System Authors Published in Other Journals (01 May 1977)

01 May 1977

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is negligible, implying that direct emission is responsible for the presence of these compounds. ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Frequency-Agile Millimeter-Wave Phase Lock System. P. S. Henry, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 47 (September 1976), pp. 1020-1025. A frequency-agile phase lock system for millimeter-wave klystrons is described. The system locks the klystron to a crystal-controlled reference signal derived from a frequency synthesizer. By programming the synthesizer, the klystron can be stepped through any sequence of frequencies lying within a band roughly 200 MHz wide. 

Optical-Fiber Impulse-Response Measurement System. J. W. Dannwolf, S. Gottfried, G. A. Sargent, R. C. Strum, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas JM-25, V. 4 (December 1976), pp. 401-406. This paper describes time-domain instrumentation designed to measure impulse response and delay of multimode optical fibers used in an experimental optical communications system at Bell Laboratories. Time-domain data is transformed to frequency-domain by a minicomputer, and the result is displayed as the fiber's baseband frequency response. 

Tantalum Thin Film RC Circuit Technology for a Universal Active Filter. W. Worobey and J. Rutkiewicz, IEEE Trans. Parts, Hybrids and Packag., PHP-12, No. 4 (December 1976), pp. 276-282. This paper describes the physical layout, process sequence, and component properties of an RC universal active filter. The high-precision filter is fabricated on a 16-pin dual in-line package ceramic substrate using tantalum thin film technology.