Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors (01 April 1948)
01 April 1948
Corrosion, October 1947. Electrical Engineering, November 1947. Proc. I. R. E.--Waves and Electrons Section, November 1947. 4 Proc. J. R. E., November 1947. 372 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL ARTICLES 373 Microwave Antenna Measurements.6 C . C . CUTLER, A . P . KING and W . E . KOCK. A description is given of the techniques involved in measuring the properties of microwave antennas. The measuring methods which are peculiar to these frequencies are discussed, and include the measurement of gain, beam width, minor lobes, wide-angle radiation, mutual coupling between antennas, phase, and polarization.
The requirements of the antenna testing site are taken up, and components of a complete measuring system are briefly described. Microwave Converters.6 C. F. EDWARDS. Microwave converters using point-contact silicon rectifiers as the nonlinear element are discussed, with particular emphasis on the design of the networks connecting the rectifier to the input and output terminals. Several converters which have been developed during recent years for use at wavelengths between 1 and 30 centimeters are described, and some of the effects of the impedance-versus-frequency characteristics of the networks on the converter performance are discussed.
Recent Developments in Relays:' Glass-Enclosed Reed Relay, W . B . ELLWOOD; Mercury Contact Relays, J . T. L . BROWN and C . E . POLLARD. Relays which combine high-speed and great uniformity of performance over long periods of time are required for some uses in the telephone plant.