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Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors (01 July 1946)

01 July 1946

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Indus. & Engg. Chemistry, March 1946. Proc. I.R.E., M a y 1946. *Elec. Engg., Trans. Sec., April 1946. 4 Phil. Mag., June 1945. 532 1 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL ARTICLES 533 nature of simultaneity, and the adoption of a definition of simultaneity which violates the intuitive and common-sense meaning of that term. It is the purpose of this paper to show that these transformations can be derived by imposing the laws of conservation of energy and of momentum on radiation processes as developed by Maxwell's methods. The Effect of High Humidity and Fungi on the Insulation Resistance of Plastics.b JOHN LEUTRITZ, J R . and DAVID B . HERRMANN. 

The decrease in insulation resistance of, methyl methacrylate, glass bonded mica, glass mat laminate phenolic, phenol fabric, phenol fiber, and wood flour filled phenol plastic is determined during prolonged exposure of the plastics to fungi and 97 per cent relative humidity at 25 C. The same plastics with fungi present also are exposed to 87, 76, and 52 per cent relative humidity to study their recovery, and then re-exposed to 97 per cent relative humidity. Samples with cleaned surfaces and with varnished surfaces are dried and then exposed to fungi and high humidity. The insulation resistance of a fungus network on methyl methacrylate is determined at 87, 76, and 52 per cent relative humidity. Fungus growth occurs on all the test specimens except those with cleaned or varnished surfaces. The decrease in insulation resistance is retarded by the varnish.